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The Tara River Canyon is 1.333m deep, which makes it the deepest canyon in Europe and second in the world, after the Colorado River Canyon, while the river Tara is 146.4 km long. A larger part of the river (including its Canyon), which belongs to the Durmitor National Park, is under the protection of UNESCO.

The river is ideal for rafting (especially the final 25 km of its stream) and fishing. Rafting on the Tara is very popular in Montenegro. A single-day rafting route from Brstovnica to Šćepan Polje is 18 kilometers long and takes about two to three hours to complete. This area is adorned with the bridge Đurđević, situated at the crossroads between Mojakovac, Žabljak and Pljevlja.

A hundred-kilometer long rafting adventure starts at Splavište and is one of the most attractive parts of the canyon. Ljutice waterfall is at the very beginning of the route, after which one passes near the great bridge, which is 165 meters tall, and finally reaches the old Roman road.

Rafting na tari

„Funjički bukovi“ and „Bijele ploče“ simply radiate the serenity and beauty of the Tara. „Nisovo vrelo“ is the deepest part of the canyon with its 1100 meters of depth. The mountain top Ćurevac (1650 m) represents the beauty of Durmitor and towers above the Tara as its eternal guardian. The waterfall Draga follows, after which one passes through the Sušice canyon, as well as the waterfalls Tepačka and Brstanovička. The rafting ends in Šćepan Polje.

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