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Rafting is a water sport in which you navigate a river in an inflatable raft with a group of about 8 - 10 people. These activities are primarily for adventure and adrenaline seeking people, but it is not necessarily always the case. Length of the Tara river, where rafting is possible, is almost one hundred kilometers long. The Tara canyon can be divided into two parts.

Tara river has the upper and lower current. Each part of the current has its own characteristics and specific features to suit different profiles of people and meet the diverse needs. Read about the differences between the currents of the Tara river in order to know which location to choose for rafting!

The upper part of Tara river

The starting point of the upper part of the canyon is located in Splaviste near Djurdjevica. The duration of the tour is longer, and it lasts for 2 days. On this stretch of the Tara river we can not really talk about rafting in the traditional sense. When you mention rafting, the first association is adrenalin and speed. The upper part of the river is much slower and quieter.

However, this does not mean that rafting here will be a bad experience. It all depends on your preferences and needs. If you are interested for a leisurely sail down the crystal clear water of the Tara river, while enjoying the natural surroundings and the beautiful landscape this part of the river is the right choice for you.

Rafting na tari

The lower part of Tara river - this is where the fun starts

This is by far the most exciting part of Tara for rafting in Montenegro. For the last 25 km provide experience from which your heart is beating like you are standing in front of your crush. Over 20 river rapids will leave you breathless.

Now we're talking about real rafting and begin to consider different difficulty ratings. Depending on the time of year and season we differentiate 6 classes of rafting. When Tara river comes into question there are classes varying from 3 to 5. The most exciting part of the season is in April and May. And at this time the water is in the range of classes 4 and 5.

The starting point is located in Brstanovica. The duration of the tour is shorter and ranges from 3 to 5 hours. During rafting we get to take a break during which you can swim in fresh clean water or jump off a cliff, take pictures and refresh. Usually the tour starts at 10:30 AM, after which we spend about 5 hours going down the river through the most thrilling canyon for rafting in Europe!

To sum it up. The lower course of the river is where the magic and excitement happens. It is for those who want to get a dose of adrenaline and change their everyday life.

So when is the best time and place to go rafting on Tara? Anytime and anywhere! Rafting tours are available throughout the whole year, and for the most extreme adrenaline seekers there are special winter rafting tours, or as we call them "survival" tours. You only have to choose when and where you want to go rafting, depending on your preference. In any case you will enjoy it! See you!

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